
grass row Learn more about grass row

  • What is the difference between Lingcao and vanilla?

    What is the difference between Lingcao and vanilla?

    The grass row is a perennial herb with a plant height of 40-150 cm, fragrant roots, light taste and warm nature. it is an important raw material of domestic solid herbal wine. The spirit grass generally refers to the spirit vanilla, which is a perennial herb with a height of 20-60 cm and a strong aroma after drying. Vanilla is an upright shrub.

    2020-11-08 Spirit grass grass row vanilla the difference what is for
  • Wide-row close planting technique of sour jujube direct seeding garden

    Wide-row close planting technique of sour jujube direct seeding garden

    Sour jujube direct seeding garden wide row dense planting technology compared with sparse planting big crown cultivation, the use of comprehensive management technology to increase the yield by nearly 20%, reduce labor by 30%, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by nearly 35%, pesticide use by 20%, per 666.7m2 net benefit.

  • High efficient cultivation techniques of wide row and close planting of pear

    High efficient cultivation techniques of wide row and close planting of pear

    Pear wide row dense planting and efficient cultivation techniques 1 the garden should be established in places with flat terrain, light loam, good fertility and good irrigation conditions. Soil preparation in the autumn of 2010, trenching machines were used to dig planting ditches with deep 80cm and wide 80cm, per 666.

  • Sowing method of No-tillage cultivation of Potato covered with Straw

    Sowing method of No-tillage cultivation of Potato covered with Straw

    There are three main sowing methods of potato straw mulching no-tillage cultivation: 1. No-tillage of rice field covered with rice straw directly, high-yield ditch (drainage and irrigation ditch) is dug, ditch width is 20 cm, depth is 15 cm, border width (ditch) is 150 cm. The soil dug out should not be piled on the edge of the ditch, and the border surface should be slightly arched to avoid stagnant water. General small grass and rice stubble do not affect planting, if there is a large grass can be trampled down or hoed, there is no need to use herbicides. Sow 4 rows in each row, planting in wide and narrow rows, with wide rows in the middle, row spacing of 34 cm and narrow row spacing of 28 cm on both sides.

  • Key points of soil management in apple orchard

    Key points of soil management in apple orchard

    1. Ridging and covering 1. Digging fertilizer pits (can be combined with applying base fertilizer). Dig 2 - 4 fertilization pits with length and width of 40cm and depth of 50cm (topdressing depth is 20cm) vertically downward 30 - 40cm inside the extended branches at the periphery of the tree crown. 2. Trenching and ridging. anterograde outside the fertilization hole

    2020-11-08 seed apple apple orchard soil management technology key points i.
  • Planting techniques of grass and fruit

    Planting techniques of grass and fruit

    Grass fruit is a kind of plant for both medicine and food, it can not only be used for spice seasoning, but also can be used to treat diseases, the planting quantity is also very considerable, what is its planting method, let's have a simple understanding of it. Grass and fruit planting techniques 1. Land selection and preparation: near the planting site

    2020-11-09 Grass and fruit planting technology grass fruit one kind medicine and food for use.
  • What are the advantages of cultivating crayfish and planting millet grass?

    What are the advantages of cultivating crayfish and planting millet grass?

    From May to June every year, a lot of water plants in crayfish ponds always rot down! Isn't that a tragedy? For the care of aquatic plants, there are many articles and many specialties.

  • What do blueberries require from soil?

    What do blueberries require from soil?

    What do blueberries require from soil? Please introduce orchard soil management refers to orchard cultivation and fertilization of technical measures. During the long-term growth and development of blueberries, the physical and chemical properties of the garden soil deteriorated and the fertility decreased due to the interference of natural factors and human beings. In order to prevent soil deterioration, and then improve and fertilize the soil,...

  • How to grow nephritis grass

    How to grow nephritis grass

    How to grow nephritis grass

  • Soil and Water Conservation techniques in Tea Garden

    Soil and Water Conservation techniques in Tea Garden

    Soil and Water Conservation techniques in Tea Garden

  • Key points of ecological cultivation techniques for improved tea varieties

    Key points of ecological cultivation techniques for improved tea varieties

    1. Select the garden. Requirements to choose in good environmental conditions, surrounded by forest areas, mountains and water, fresh air, spring Qingqi, deep or fertile soil, slightly acidic, suitable for tea growth soil or soil, preferably fragrant lime soil. To think of good tea should be a unique geographical. 2. Land reclamation. First of all, clean up trees, shrubs and stones on the ground; second, remove roots, weed roots, bamboo rhizome roots, etc.; cultivate at a depth of more than 50 cm, perennial weed roots and rattan roots must be cleaned up,

  • The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Xihuangcao

    The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Xihuangcao

    Xihuang grass is a folk herb, commonly known as bear gall grass, blood wind grass, yellow juice grass, brook grass, camellia, soil Coptis, etc., mainly produced in Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River. Xihuang grass has the characteristics of clearing heat and promoting dampness, relieving jaundice and dispelling dampness and cooling.

    2020-11-10 The latest Xihuang grass planting techniques methods tutorials
  • How much is the seed of elephant grass per jin? How do you plant it? How many cattle can be raised per mu?

    How much is the seed of elephant grass per jin? How do you plant it? How many cattle can be raised per mu?

    Elephant grass, also known as purple pennisetum, is a large perennial tufted herb of Gramineae and millet family. How much is its seed per jin? How do you plant it? How many cattle can you raise per mu? Learned from Mr. Shen of Shuyang Seedling Company that elephant grass seeds

    2020-11-09 For example grass seed more seed less money one jin how plant one mu can
  • Propagation technology of lily

    Propagation technology of lily

    It is mainly propagated by scales, bulbs and bulbs. First, cultivate the seed stem (1) scale propagation when the leaves of lilies begin to turn yellow in autumn, select strong and disease-free plants, dig up the bulbs, cut off the base, separate the scales, take the inner scales, plant them in trenches according to plant spacing of 3 cm and row spacing of 17 cm, cover the grass to preserve soil moisture from September to October. After planting, the bulbs grow from the cut, develop into new plants in the spring of the second year, and then colonized or cultured continuously for 3 years in autumn.

  • Pictures of Chinese big toad

    Pictures of Chinese big toad

    Pictures of Chinese big toad

  • Cultivation techniques of Potato covered with broken Grass

    Cultivation techniques of Potato covered with broken Grass

    In recent years, with the expansion of mechanical harvesting area of late rice and middle rice, there are more broken grass after mechanical harvesting. Covering potato with crushed grass harvested by machine, preparing the soil without ploughing, sowing without covering soil, and harvesting without digging is an effective and simple and efficient cultivation technique. Choose a good seed. Selection of Dongnong 303 and other precocious varieties, strong growth, early tuber formation, very precocious, growth period of about 60 days (emergence to harvest), strong resistance, good waterlogging tolerance. Fine ground preparation. Use the late rice harvest to plant potatoes in the future winter fallow fields, first per mu on the rice field board.

  • Planting techniques of Rabdosia paniculata

    Planting techniques of Rabdosia paniculata

    Planting techniques of Rabdosia paniculata

  • Sowing technique of forage white clover

    Sowing technique of forage white clover

    Sowing technique of forage white clover

  • Planting distance of sugar orange

    Planting distance of sugar orange

    In order to increase the yield of sugar orange, it is best to adopt the method of dwarfing and dense planting, the planting density in paddy field and dry land should be controlled at about 200-300 plants / mu, the plant-row spacing should be controlled at about 1.5m, and the planting density in mountainous area should be controlled at about 100 plants / mu. The plant-row spacing is controlled at 2.

    2020-11-08 Sugar orange planting distance summary for improvement sugar
  • Tea seedling planting

    Tea seedling planting

    Land selection and ploughing: the soil with PH value of 5.56.5 was selected, and 1000-1500kg manure, cake fertilizer and tea special fertilizer 100kg were applied per mu after ditching. Timely false planting: tea seedlings can be planted in case of dry and early climate. Transplanting: planting according to size

    2020-11-08 Tea saplings planting summary land selection ploughing selection value is